Our Support

Supporting the women we work with

Whatever their situation, Hibiscus works to ensure that every women we support:


  • Listened to and understood
  • Cared for
  • Safer

Understands their:

  • Situation
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Options

Has their basic needs met:

  • Safety
  • Documentation
  • Finance, Food and Housing

Forms positive, supportive, personal connections and feels:

  • Supported
  • Less isolated

Is enabled to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Take action
  • Influence change


  • Fairness
  • Justice
  • Freedom

All of this contributes to improved mental health and wellbeing.

If and when the women we work with are ready, we help them to tell their story, and to use their experience to advocate for change in the criminal justice and immigration systems.​

Where we work

Hibiscus works directly with marginalised migrant women at every point within the criminal justice and immigration system, supporting women at every opportunity on their difficult journey through the system.

We work with women:

  • in the community (mainly in London)​
  • in custody and courts​
  • on probation
  • in prison​
  • in immigration removal centers​