Our funders

We wish to thank all our funders whose support is vital to our work

Our Funders 

Our work would not be possible with the support of the many funders who share our vision.  We are so grateful for the loyal support that we receive from trusts, foundations and institutional funders whose donations help us to fund projects and salaries and run our organisation.  These funds are essential to ensure that we can continue to provide vital support to migrant women in the immigration and criminal justice systems.  



  • AB Charitable Trust 
  • Barrow Cadbury Trust 
  • Esmee Fairbairn 
  • Goldsmiths Charity 
  • John Ellerman Foundation 
  • Justice Together Initiative 
  • Lloyds Bank Foundation 
  • Man Group plc Charitable Trust 
  • Ministry of Justice 
  • National Lottery Community Fund 
  • National Lottery Heritage Fund 
  • Oak Foundation 
  • Paul Hamlyn Foundation 
  • The Bell Foundation 
  • Trust for London 



Hibiscus also holds contracts and sub-contracts with other organisations who recognise the importance of our work.  These include:


  • Women in Prison 
  • Advance

If you would like to find out how your Trust or Foundation can help Hibiscus support more migrant women, please contact us at info@hibisus.org.uk