This report is dedicated to the women who shared their experiences with us. Without their generosity and openness, we would not have been able to carry out this research and share this knowledge with the world. In addition, a huge thank you to the Clinks for funding this project and for their commitment to supporting and improving the mental health experiences of Black and minoritised women in contact with the criminal justice system in the UK. The research was conducted, and report written, by Hibiscus Project Worker Priscille Manga and Naomi Nyamweya — an independent consultant for this project. Additional thanks go to Hibiscus staff, Ghadah Alnasseri, Head of Policy and Public Affairs who managed the project and production of the report. Most importantly, Hibiscus would like to once again thank the women who shared their stories and who participated in this research. The names of the women portrayed in the case studies have been changed to protect identities.